When The Trip Makes It Out Of The Group Chat: 5 Tips For A Good Friendcation
By Paris A. Glover
Friendcations should be fun! Although planning and executing group trips can be daunting, it’s well worth it as new memories with your crew are being made. Experiencing new adventures with your tribe is elite adulting. If you’re fortunate enough to have a trip that makes it out of the group chat, you know how dope it can be. However, if you and your besties aren’t on the same page, your friendcation can quickly turn into a nightmare. If you want to keep the vibes drama free this read is for you.
Here are 5 Tips For A Good Friendcation
Discuss The Budget
Nobody likes to talk about their finances, but in this case — it’s crucial. One thing you cannot do is try to convince some of your friends to spend more money than they’re ready to. Not all of you are in the same position financially. Being transparent about budgets from the very beginning benefits the group by knowing how much to set aside for this “friendcation”.
Be Flexible
When it comes to group travel, prepare to compromise. If you don’t want to do any research, don’t complain about the itinerary if one is made. It’s only fair. However, it’s much better if everyone puts a few places on the list. This way, everybody’s involved and has options to choose from.
You’re not traveling alone so communication with your group is essential. Some friends may enjoy things you don’t and vice versa. It isn’t easy to please everyone all the time, however, there is always common ground to be found. So, if they select a restaurant that you don’t like or decide to visit another beach one day, don’t be obstinate—communicate your preferences.
Be Honest About Your Expectations
Have an honest conversation about how you each like to travel. Does one of you want to relax and chill by the pool, while the other wants to get more ratchet and turn up? Make sure you know what each of you wants and expects from this trip to avoid the pitfalls of inaccurate expectations.
Have Fun
Enjoy the time you have with each other and experience new things. Focus on the positives, even if something goes left. Reflect and share your appreciation for one another over good wine, take in the ambiance, and live in the moment.

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